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Monday, February 6, 2012

Panellists Residing in My Head

I have a whole lot of abstract ideas floating around in my head that I want to talk about here. So, I'm going actually start posting them.

You know what I love? When you start thinking about something one day and then it comes up somewhere else. Like English class for example. That happened to me today.
It's really interesting to me that we can be so many different people at once. In terms of music, we can be a country person, a dubstep person or a musical person and all of them at the same time.

Here's a little bit about the panellists that reside inside my head:

The first person I have on my panel is "The Insecure One". She is constantly worrying about what other people think of her and thinks that everyone is talking about her behind her back. She feels extreme emotions like jealousy, sadness and anger. She worries a lot about fitting in to society's norms and she is often extremely irrational; she is lead by her emotions.
The second person I have on my panel is "The Voice of Reason". She is extremely rational and feels little to no emotion. She is able to sift through the facts of a problem or situation and come to a fast, logical solution. She loves to try and solve other people's problems. She does not care what society thinks of her and has very strong opinions about right and wrong. She often attempts to reign in "The Insecure One", but to no avail.
The third person I have on my panel is "The Optimist". She is constantly striving to see the silver lining on the cloud and feels extreme emotions like happiness and love. She loves singing, skipping and laughing. She tries to avoid thinking about things too deeply in fear that the other two panellists will take over. She loves to try and make other people happy and does not often think of herself.

These are probably the most predominant "panellists" I have, I'm sure I have others as well. It's interesting to see the different sides of people come out in conversation. Look around for it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Find the Hidden Reference

I wrote this poem a while ago, but I only just found it again now. It has a reference to a certain newish video game. Let me know if you can find it! And let me know if you like the poem.

She sits, waiting and wondering and wishing.
The clock strikes resolutely.
Her heart pounds in the cavity that is her chest.
Someone passes by her, in a hurry,
To live a life that is mundane.
Although, what in comparison to?
She glances out the never-ending window
And is disappointed by what she sees.
The sky is the colour of a baby elephant,
The rim of a paint can, waiting in her shed.
Rain starts spitting down from ominous clouds.
She goes back to reading her favourite book;
She reads it at least once a year.
It contains a plethora of ideas
And never fails to amuse and over-joy her.
At long last, he arrives.
He knows to bring her back to reality slowly.
'Books are uniquely portable magic,' he quotes.
She laughs her tinkling laugh.
As they walk away, she looks back.
And smiles.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


You know those moods you get in where you just want to do something creative? Or those moments when you feel like speaking in frilly poetic speech? I had one of those today. And this was the result. Enjoy!!

You and me.
We and us.
I've heard about these moments
I've dreamt about them in the sweetest of dreams.
And now I live among them.
We share them.
They float around us like the purest of bubbles.
Like rain when the sun is smiling.
When you wrap your arms around me.
When your hands find themselves in my hair.
Those things, they seep right through to my heart.
My very being is swept off its feet.
Oh, if time could stop swirling rapidly.
If the river of life could be calmed.
Then all would be as it should be.
Then the trials of life would seem trivial things.
Me and you.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Hello there, haven't seen you in a while. Funny how time is forever changing, undulating and twisting. It is forever unpredictable yet so predictably monotonous, which I guess, is what makes it unpredictable.

“The very existence of flame throwers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, ‘You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.’” – George Carlin

Life is well here. Cross country practice is slowly coming to a close, we got lots of books in English today and watched Helena Bonham Carter play a wonderfully crazy Ophelia in Hamlet, Spirit Week and Coronation are coming up quite rapidly and my club (DFTBA club) is meeting for the second time on Friday.

"Saying 'I notice you're a nerd' is like saying, 'Hey, I notice that you'd rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you'd rather be thoughtful than be vapid, that you believe that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan. Why is that?' In fact, it seems to me that most contemporary insults are pretty lame. Even 'lame' is kind of lame. Saying 'You're lame' is like saying 'You walk with a limp.' Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he's done all right for himself." – John Green.

Sleep, its grasp is too tight. Its tendrils of temptation have wound themselves around me and I must give in. Although it is not with a heavy heart that I leave, I welcome its call. As it has been too long since I last heard it.

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - Dr Seuss

I am not sorry for the obscurity of this post. I feel like it reflects how I feel at the moment quite well. How was your day, week, existence?

"I have always imagined that Paradise will be some kind of library." - Jorge Luis Borges

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Where I'm From

In English, we had to write a poem modelled on the poem Where I'm From, by George Ella Lyon. I'm not so sure about how mine turned out, but here it is anyway;

I am from Mouse Trap,
from Monopoly and Rummikub Junior.
I am from the oranges that fell off the tree.
(Brown, mouldy,
the birds got to them first.)
I am from the Bird of Paradise,
the Bottle Brush
whose vibrant colours I remember
through a sea of browns and greens.

I'm from Vegemite and hermit crabs,
               from Teniah and James.
I'm from don't leave that in the car
               and only if that doesn't make a mess,
from watch your head, Fred.
I'm from oops, you think I'm in love,
               see my ride out of the sunset
               on your colour TV screen.

I'm from Barbie dolls and Tonka trucks,
Sesame Street and Play School.
From the dogs that lived across the street,
              Tom was small and Jerry was big
the band-aids we stuck on and ripped off my Dad.
In my closet was a shoe box
spilling ancient birthday cards
a mingle of not-yet-forgotten voices
reminding me of a time I never remembered.
I am from these moments -
chocolate broken before opened -
still tastes the same in the end.

I hope you enjoyed that.

Oh, and here's a link to the original, if you love procrastination as much as I do, or if you're just interested:

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Doctor Who Review No.1

Today is the day of the third episode in Season 6 of Doctor Who, so I thought it would be fitting to provide my thoughts on the first two episodes today. This is a review of the plot and everything that I thought so, serious spoliers if you haven't seen them yet!!

The first episode, Let's Kill Hitler, was purely amazing. The reveal that Amy and Rory's childhood friend, Mels was in fact their daughter, Melody was completely mind blowing and unexpected. I realise that we never saw her before, because in a way, it hadn't happened yet, but I still didn't quite like the fact that this was the first time we ever saw her.
I also love the connection between the fact that River could not regenerate in The Silence in the Library because she used up all her regenerations bringing the Doctor back to life. Even though I had never thought of that before, haha. I was a little confused as to why she decided to go to the library at the end of the episode, though. Was it meant to have just been tying it together that she ends up there? Or are we meant to think that the Doctor lead her there with the diary?
Those antibodies were the funniest things. They were exactly like that annoyingly helpful paperclip from Microsoft Word ages ago. They were nice about killing you. One of my favourite quotes: "You will feel a slight tingling sensation, followed by death."
Rory just becomes more cute with every single episode. The bit where Amy thinks he's gay and then suddenly realises is amazing. His bewilderment about being in the same room as Hitler: "Shut up, Hitler!"
The whole scene between River and the Doctor where they get one step of each other in every little movement that they do is great cinematography.

The next episode, Night Terrors, was honestly a bit of a disappointment. I know it was a filler episode, but it did not even refer to the plot once. Also, I felt like it had been done before. It reminded me a whole lot of Fear Her. It wasn't exactly the same. But the whole child is possesed by/is an alien. The fact that they are really scared and they don't feel like their parents are there for them. Also, the child collects people and puts them in drawings/a made up world in their cupboard. The parent comes through in the end and everyone is saved.
I loved Fear Her so much, it was sad to see all these similarities between it and episode just a few seasons down the road. Despite that, the way the episode was done was quite clever. I like the creepiness of the house and how everything being wood suddenly made sense in the end.
Favourite quote: "Come on Alex! Are you crazy? We can't open the cupboard! Right, that settles it. Going to open the cupboard."
This song was creepy, but I liked it:
Tick, tock, goes the clock, and what things shall we see?
Tick, tock, until the day, that thou shall marry me.
Tick, tock, goes the clock, and all the years they fly.
Tick, tock, and all too soon, you and I must die.
Tick, tock, goes the clock, we laughed at fate and mourned her.
Tick, tock, goes the clock, even for the Doc…
Tick, tock, goes the clock, he cradled and he rocked her.
Tick, tock, goes the clock, even for the Doctor.

And that's what I thought. Can't wait for tonight!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Year 12

It has been two weeks since I officially became a yr12 student, which is still not quite sinking in. I remember when I was in yr7 thinking that the yr12s were the coolest people ever and I just couldn't wait to be one of them. And now it's actually here and it's a little surreal and totally not how I imagined it.

The classes that I have to take are nothing like the ones that I would be taking in Australia, but at least for some of them, I'm glad I have to take them. Because I would never have thought of taking them and they are quite interesting.

First is Maths class, Trigonometry/Advanced Topics. Which means for the first half of the year we do trig and for the second half, we do a whole bunch of stuff like statistics and I can't remember what else. I'm pretty good at trig, so I think it will be okay.

Next is Spanish 2. Despite the fact that I'm not really good at learning languages, I'm actually enjoying learning Spanish. It's kind of easy. I'm not sure how level 2 will go. But it seems fun so far. Besides all the random Spanish songs that we have to sing every class.

After that is AP English. (AP stands for Advanced Placement which means Uni-level class.) I really like English, so this is a good class for me. Not only that, but we are focusing a lot on different types of people and pyschology-related things. So I'm really excited for the rest of the year.

Then we have Physics. If I had it my way, I would be taking no science at all. I would rather take Maths than Science. Because in Maths, it's just maths, no deceptions. In Science it takes maths and applies it everywhere in sneaky ways. But so far, I get everything, so it's okayish. Only good thing is that we get to go to a theme park for an excursion.

After that is AP Comparative Government and Economics. The title says it all: blah, blah, blah. But it's required that yr12s take a gov/econ class. And there was no way I was taking one that just focused on America. So far, it's pretty interesting. But we haven't really started anything in depth. So I'm worried.

Last is World History. Which I would love to be taking, if it wasn't normally a yr9 class. Because here in America, you can have absolutely any grade level in any class. So if you miss that one class that you were meant to take, you have to make it up. Not only does the class feel super awkward, but normally being a yr9 class, first year in high school, it's designed to lead them through every single step of the way. Such an annoying thing to experience as a yr12. But it'll be good to learn some other history besides American and Australia.

Next post: Review of Doctor Who episodes.